Video: Part 2 with Kevin Lee on nofollows, 302 redirects, branded content

He also went on the record on if SEO is harder than PPC.

We also talk about the importance of branded content and the role it plays in SEO and organic search.

Kevin and I reminisced about the early days of affiliate marketing and how some affiliate platforms launched in order to pass direct links and signals for SEO benefit.

Finally, I asked Kevin what is harder, doing SEO or doing PPC for clients. I’d tell you his answer but I want you to watch the video to learn the answer.

I started this vlog series recently, and if you want to sign up to be interviewed, you can fill out this form on Search Engine Roundtable. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here. I am currently looking to do socially distant, outside interviews in the NY/NJ tri-state area.